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Nickel flat film RTD elements are characterized by a big change in strength versus temperature and available in various industry standard temperature coefficients.

We offer a variety of nickel RTD sensors (Ni RTD) with different resistance values (Ni100, Ni120, Ni500, Ni1000) and different temperature coefficients (TC6180, TC 6720, TC 6370).

Technical Data

Flat film nickel temperature sensors are configured as follows:


  • Temperature coefficient (TC) normally 6180 ppm

  • Temperature ranges from -260°C to +250°C

  • Characterized by a big shift in resistance vs. temperature and available in various industry standard temperature coefficients

Equation of the nickel resistor according to DIN 43760:



Maximum allowed tolerance as a function of temperature  (DIN 43760):

t<0°C: F = ±(0.4 + 0.028 xt) °C
t>0°C: F = ±(0.4 + 0.007 xt) °C

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